Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mom in desperate drive to save child

Who is Layla Card...Layla Card is a real little girl: she loves fairies and princesses, Barbie and pink, dressing up and make-up. In short, a real girly-girl, and an enchanting one at that.

4 year old Layla is the life of the family home in Fleurhof, Johannesburg, where she lives with her mom Zai, big brother Kevin (6) and grandfather Imam Ally. Like the icing and sprinkles on a cake, she is the
sweetness and prettiness of the family. She’s popular and boisterous among her peers – but, just like a little girl, she’s shy around strangers.

But at a time in her life when everything should be about unbridled innocence and the joy of life itself, Layla stares a deadly enemy in the face: brain cancer.

Layla has been diagnosed with brainstem glioma, a very rare and aggressive tumour that nearly always targets small children. Its position in her brainstem, and close proximity to vital nerves and blood vessels, means that she cannot undergo surgery and hope to survive. Nor will chemotherapy or radiation therapy have any chance of making a difference without causing catastrophic further damage to her.

Without effective treatment, and soon, Layla’s life will no longer lie stretched out before her; instead, it will be severely abbreviated.
However, Layla can be given a fighting chance at survival – with your help.

Her family desperately needs to raise R400 000 by the end of October 2012, so that Layla and her mother can fly to the Burzynski Cancer Research Institute and Clinic in Houston, US, which specialises in the treatment of brainstem glioma.

There, Layla will be able to undergo anti-neoplasm treatment, a non-invasive method of combating this tumour that is individualised to every patient. This treatment has been shown to work. But it is not available in South Africa and without it, Layla doesn’t have a hope.

So show love for Layla, and please help to raise the R400 000 in time. Every little bit really helps; and even if you’re not able to make a donation, you can help by simply telling your network. The more people know, the more goodwill, and the better Layla’s prospects at life.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The journey of a lifetime!

The journey of a lifetime!

At this point in time if one were to look at an air traffic flow chart one would find that at an increasing rate there is a flow of traffic towards what scientists/geographers have confirmed is both the centre and naval of the earth. Yes, it is none other than Makkah Mukarramah and it is the season of Hajj. The next few weeks will witness the convergence of millions of Muslims of different races, nationalities, ethnicity and colours both male and female on the Haramain Sharifain (the two holiest places to Muslims-Makkah Mukarramah & Madinatul Munawwarah). The journey of Haj is a lifelong dream and ambition of each and every Muslim the world over. May Allah Ta’ala allow for its fulfilment for each and every one.

Having been afforded the great opportunity of performing the Hajj last year (having hope that Allah Ta’ala will accept it) it is with great envy that we witness the departure of the Hujaaj(those going for Hajj). An envy not desiring that those going, be deprived of this good fortune, but rather desiring that we too, could also be part of that delegation who enjoy the good fortune of being Duyoofur Rahman-The Guests of Allah Ta’ala and also having the good fortune of visiting Medinatur Rasool {The city of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)}. In Shariah this is envy is termed Ghibtah (a desire of emulation) which is commendable in religious matters.
For most Hujaaj the beginning point of their Hajj is Medina Munawarrah. Listening to a poem sung while writing creates a sense of nostalgia that causes the tears to flow as the vivid memories of the tranquillity of Medina Munawarrah create havoc in the mind and a pining in the heart. The poet says,
‘While sitting in the Masjid of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) I perceive the scent of Prophethood’
‘While sitting in the Masjid of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) I am taking short quick breadths (in excitement)’
‘This perception descends on me that I am sitting in the city of light....what rays of light are descending!’
There is no doubt in my mind that Medina Munawarrah is THE most peaceful place in the whole world and every visitor to Medina will attest to this. There is a special affinity that every Muslim has with Medina Munawwarah.
It is an opportunity for one to make salaam with his Beloved (May peace be upon him), to have the good fortune of offering prayer and supplication in the portion of Jannah, walking on the very ground that the Beloved (May peace be upon him) walked on, take in the very air that the Beloved (May peace be upon him) breathed, feel the very same breeze that the Beloved (May peace be upon him) felt and feel the very same dust that the Beloved (May peace be upon him) felt.
It brings an overwhelming joy to the heart to know that this is where the Beloved (May peace be upon him) and his companions lived, feared, traded, prayed, played, planned, strategised and many eventually parted with, and sacrificed, this beloved city and the company of the Beloved (May peace be upon him) himself so that millions today could also have the good fortune of enjoying the shade and tranquillity of Prophethood that still resides in Medina Munawarrah today and will remain until just before the end of time.
It is with awe, amazement, gratitude and teary eyes that one visits the plains of Badr, Uhud and Khandaq, paying homage to the martyrs of these battles that were instrumental in ensuring the spreading and proliferation of the rays of truth and guidance that has reached every part of the globe. The garden of Islam whose rich fragrance, radiance and beauty we enjoy today can rightfully be said to have been ‘watered’ with the blood, sweat and tears of the Beloved (May peace be upon him) and his illustrious companions (May Allah be pleased with them all)
The days spent in Medina pass by quickly and before long the Haaji is preparing for the next part of his/her journey, the fulfilment of a lifetime dream-witnessing and beholding the House of Allah Jalla wa Aalaa in Makkah Mukarramah. As the stay in Medina draws to a close the heart, which always had a special connection & yearning for Medina Munawarrah, now feels more intensely attached in the few 'hours' spent there. The pangs of separation begin to be felt and the tears flow profusely. A fear also overcomes the heart that it should not be, due to some error or shortcoming on our part, that we are deprived of coming back to this blessed place again. Praying the last salaah is almost heart wrenching as the reality dawns that this is now the last salaah in Masjidun Nabawi in Medina Munawwarah and we don't know if we'll be blessed with the good fortune and Divine favour of witnessing and beholding this beloved city again...even though this is the fervent Dua in the heart.The final salaams are offered with teary eyes...

As the conveyance makes its way out of Medina Munawwarah to Zhul Hulaifa for the donning of the Ihram and the onward journey to the blessed city of Makkah Mukarramah, the final salawaat (salutations) begins and every now and again the teary gaze falls on the receding Haram (Masjid in Medina) and on the Green Dome beneath which lies our noble master(peace be upon him) and the tears begin to flow...

Together with that we beg Allah’s forgiveness for not having fulfilled the rights of the City of Medina Munawarrah, its people, Masjidun Nabawi and most importantly the rights of our Noble Master (May Allah’s peace be on him)...
Onwards, towards Makkah Mukarramah....
As usual, the first sight of the Kaaba proves to be an emotional one, reducing one to tears even though the extensive television coverage of the Haramain Sharifain has desensitised us, and deprived us of the real spiritual ‘high’ that this experience in the past had to offer. It is at this moment that Scholars advise us to supplicate to our hearts content as it is a moment when supplications are surely accepted. In fact this journey of Hajj is, in the words of a Scholar,
‘Al Hajju minal bidaya ilan nihaya Ad Dua’
‘The Hajj from the beginning to the end is about (the acceptance) of Supplications’
Supplications are accepted the moment a Haaji sets out on this epic journey, in the beloved city of Medinatur Rasool and its precincts, in the state of Ihram, at the first sight of the Ka’aba, in tawaaf, at the multazam, at the Maqame Ibrahim (the station of Abraham), in the Hateem, at Rukne Yamaani, between Rukne Yamaani and the Hajarul Aswad, after the two units of prayer of tawaaf, at the well of Zam Zam, while drinking Zam Zam, at Mount Safa, at Mount Marwa...
Besides this, the rewards for good actions performed in the Haram of Makkah Mukarramah are multiplied one hundred thousand times while those performed in Medina Munawwarah are multiplied fifty thousand times. The journey to the Haramain Sharifain can be likened to an ‘economic boom’ where little exertions fetch very high and hefty returns!
Every day that draws closer to the first day of Hajj sees multitudes of people converging on Makkah Mukarramah by their thousands. One of the miracles of this great journey is the sense of well wishing that prevails between black and white, rich and poor, Arab and non Arab-all unified by the universal declaration of faith of: Ash hadu al la'ilaha illallah- Ash hadu anna Muhammadar Rasullullah (I testify that there is no deity except Allah-I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)
Despite the congregating of so many people in such a confined space the entire spectacle of Hajj goes on fairly incident free. This is nothing other than the manifestation of Islamic brotherhood which, despite the breaking up of the Muslim world into Nation states along the lines of language, race, nationality and ethnicity, offers a glimpse of, and shows the latent potential and strength that the unity of the Muslim world possesses.
A person who comes to the House of Allah Ta’ala and is deprived of Hidaya (Guidance) is truly deprived of all good as this is the place of Hidaya (Guidance). We all are well aware that both Makka Mukarrama & Medina Munawwarah are the places of an abundance of Barakah (Blessings) and we all make niyyah for Barakah but more importantly these are the places of Hidaya. As Allah Jalla wa Aalaa says in the holy Quraan,
’The first house set up for the people is surely the one in Bakkah (Makkah) having blessings and guidance for all worlds’ (3:96)
This is also the place of great sacrifices given for the establishment of the Tauhid (Oneness) of Allah Jalla wa Aalaa. It is in the very precincts of the Haram that, the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) gave so much of sacrifice and blood. It was here that Abu Jahl 'dumped' the intestines & stomach contents of a camel on the Beloved of Allah (May peace be upon him) and also on another occasion tried to strangle him while he was engaged in salaah. It was here that Sumayya (May Allah be pleased with her) was matyred by Abu Jahl who placed a spear in her private part! When walking on the marble at mid day the heat is literally unbearable to walk bare feet on and, yet Bilal (May Allah be pleased with him) was made to lie on the hot sands at mid day and at mid summer with a boulder upon his chest so that he could not move. We are quick to complain when there are some small inconveniences.
It is indeed a great honour to be the guest of Allah Jalla wa Aalaa. Last year I met an elderly man from Pakistan. What caught my attention was that as I read Quran he, while sitting next to me, began to recite some poetry and he was addressing himself. I stopped my recitation and asked him for some advice. One could hear the reverence he had for the house of Allah in his heart. He kept on saying to me that very few of us realise where we have come and who our host is! We have come to the House of Allah and we are HIS guests. How is it possible that in His House we talk of worldly things and are oblivious of Him! Listening to him was very inspirational. Most people coming from the subcontinent for Hajj are old and in many cases poor. They probably get this opportunity only once! I remember the one night a group of elderly people from Bangladesh forming a human chain, before proceeding for their tawaaf, were being led by their guide, gazes lowered, towards the Kaaba. When reaching a good vantage point of the Kaaba he asked them to lift their gazes they ALL broke down and sobbed like children...
As the month of Zhul Qa’adah draws to a close one can feel the increasing intensity of the days of Hajj drawing closer. The air is punctuated with excitement and anticipation. The eve of the 8th of Zhul Hijjah marks the beginning of the apex and climax of this wonderful journey that has witnessed the vast diversity of this Ummah who, on the morning of the 8th Zhul Hijjah, will unite towards one unified goal of achieving Allah Ta’ala's Mercy & Forgiveness.

Sadly, as is the nature of everything that reaches its climax, it also marks the culmination and end of a journey of a lifetime.

The morning of the 8th witnesses millions dressed in simple attire converging on Mina, the air reverberating with the cries of 'Labbaik...Allahumma Labbaik'... (Here I am(at Thy service) O my Lord, here I am...)

and then on to Arafah... with dishevelled hair and dusty clothes beseeching and begging Allah Jalla wa Aalaa's forgiveness, mercy and grace under the hot Arabian sun.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that, 'Hajj IS Arafah'

One will understand this only when you are in Arafah. There is just something special about Arafah. The heart seems to be so in tune and the tears flow in abundance. In terms of amenities Arafah has a lot less than Mina.

The Wuqoof of Arafah starts after Zawaal. As the Wuqoof sets in, silence falls on Arafah as people turn to Allah Jalla wa Aalaa in earnestness...
People come out of their tents and stand for long periods in the sun supplicating to Allah Jalla wa Aalaa. Arafah is essentially a day about begging Allah Jalla wa Aalaa's forgiveness and also re-establishing that bond with, and commitment to Allah Jalla wa Aalaa. After Asar as the sun begins to set on Arafah and it's a bit cooler, people emerge from their tents in their multitudes, individually and in groups, making the most of the last few moments, knowing not whether this opportunity will present itself again.

Thereafter the faithful in their droves, on foot and on every perceivable means of conveyance move towards Muzdalifah. The walk to Muzdalifah really opens up the magnitude of Hajj! That night the exhausted Haaji rests under the star lit sky of Muzdalifah.

At sunrise the mass movement is towards Mina for the pelting and casting off of the devil, the spilling of blood of the sacrificial animal as an offering of gratitude, the shaving and cutting off of the hair and the shedding of the Ihram having hope that together with it the shedding of the sins...

Thereafter the Tawaaf of Ifaadha, circumambulating the House of Allah Ta’ala, while the Angels tap the Haaji between the shoulder blades saying 'go forth from here have been forgiven'
And then the Haaji, having hope in Allah Jalla wa Aalaa, that the final rite of the Saee, when on Marwa he/she ends, he/she has received the certification of Divine Forgiveness and Jannah. Aameen

With the Tawaaful Wida the Hajee sadly bids farewell to the House of Allah Jalla wa Aalaa leaving with heavy heart and a burning desire of a swift and repetitive return to the House of Allah Jalla wa Aalaa that Abraham (peace be upon him) built. As the Hajees disperse throughout the length and breadth of the globe carrying with them, and spreading the Blessings of the House and the Favour of the Owner of the House...
In times gone by, the returning Hujjaaj were a means of spreading the Deen. Every valley, gulley and mountain path that the Haaji passed witnessed the Nur (Divine Radiance) that the Haaji carried and no town, city, village or individual that the Haaji passed through or met remained unaffected with the legacy of the blessed Haramain Sharifain. The legacy of Makkah Mukarramah being the Tauhid of Allah Jalla wa Aalaa, and that of Medina Munawwarah, being that of Nubuwah (Prophethood) and Khatme Nubuwah (the seal of Prophethood) Today unfortunately we have understood Hajj only to be that of individual Ibaadah(worship). Hajj was that occasion when a person was made to understand his responsibility as a human being and also as an Ummati (follower) of the noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him)
May Allah Ta’ala grant us the opportunity of fulfilling this great Commandment of Hajj…Ameen

Friday, October 05, 2012

French rapper reverts

French RAPPER, Diam, announces reversion to Islam

A French rapper, Mélanie Georgiades, known as Diam, has bolstered the spirits of Muslims around the world, and in France in particular, with her announcement that she has reverted to Islam.

The once famous rap artist has been off the music scene for the last three years and made a surprise television appearance on French TV station TF1. The video uploaded to YouTube went viral within hours of posting and was then removed by the channel.
In the video she dispelled myths frequently promoted by western media about Islam as a religion of extremism, terrorism and violation of human rights.
Diam was forthright is setting the record straight. “I discovered a religion of wisdom of nonviolence, of peace, of sharing, of kindness. It is the religion of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Solomon and of all the prophets.”
Wearing a full hijab, exposing only her face, she explained how she had discovered “serenity in Islam”.

European Muslims have had to fend off strong currents of Islamophoia and demonisation as the number of Muslim immigrants and natives reverting to Islam has increased phenomenally.

France is currently home to around 6 million Muslims, the largest Muslim population in Europe. Under the leadership of former president, Nicholas Sarkozy, the country adopted controversial laws outlawing the Muslim face veil or niqab.
Despite similar obstacles and religious intolerance spreading to other countries in Europe, people have been attracted to the beauty and peace inherent in the religion.
Explaining her decision to where the hijab Diam said: “I believe that I live in a tolerant society, and I don’t feel hurt by criticism, but by insults and stereotyping and ready-made judgments…I see it as a divine order or a divine advice, this brings joy to my heart and for me this is enough.”
Her previous life as a music superstar was riddled with depression, something not previously known to her fans.

“I was very famous and I had what every famous person looks for, but I was always crying bitterly alone at home, and this is what none of my fans had felt,” she told TF1.

She added: “I was heavily addicted to drugs, including hallucinating narcotics and was admitted in mental asylum to recover, but this was in vain until I heard one of my Muslim friends saying ‘I am going to pray for a while and will come back,’ so I told her that I want to pray as well.”
However, the greatest attraction to Islam seems to be the direction in life and the purpose of existence that it unravels for so many non-Muslims searching for credible answers.

“This has warmed my heart, as I know now the purpose of my existence, and why am I here on Earth.”2

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Martyr of Muhammad al-Durrah

Twelfth Anniversary of Martyr Muhammad al-Durrah's

Muhammad al-Durrah incident took place in the Gaza Strip on September 30, 2000, on the second day of the Second Intifada.

Muhammad's father, tried for in vain for 45 minutes to shield his 12-year-old son from gunfire as they crouched against a concrete wall near Netzarim in the Gaza Strip.
‘This was his sacrifice for our homeland, for Palestine’ Muhammad’s mother said.
The whole scene was caught on camera by 2 French cameramen.

The footage shows the boy's father, Jamal al-Durrah, waving desperately to Israeli troops, shouting: "Don't shoot". But the terrified boy is hit by four bullets, and collapses in his father's arms.

An ambulance driver who tried to rescue the boy and his father was also killed, and a second ambulance driver was wounded.

Muhammad was reported to have sustained multiple gunshot wounds.
He had received a fatal wound to the abdomen, confirmed by pathologist Dr Abed El-Razeq El Masry.
During an emotional public funeral in the Bureij refugee camp that day, the boy was wrapped in a Palestinian flag.

Note: YouTube keeps on repeatedly eliminating any videos having to do with the Murder of the 12-year old Al-Durrah while keeping the distorted lies posted by Zionist lobby who have attempted to discredit the video.

Can u live with the death of Muhammad al Durrah and all those killed by the Israelis?
Will you continue to support the state of Israel and buy the products listed in the email sent to you earlier last week???
How big a sacrifice would it be to give up your Coca Cola & Nestle products?
Come on, enough apethetic consumerism. Now’s the time to make a stand!