Friday, October 07, 2016

Aashuraa and Children

Rubayyi’ bintu Mu‘awwiz bin ‘Afraa’ (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) mentions that Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) sent the following message to the various localities of the Ansaar on the morning of ‘Aashuraa, “Whoever began the day fasting should complete his fast, and whoever is not fasting should complete the day without eating.” Rubayyi’ (radhiyallahu ‘anha) further says, “After that (the announcement) we would ensure that we fasted on the day of ‘Aashuraa (in the years that followed) and would even make our small children fast. We would make toys out of wool for them. When one of them would cry for food, we would give him the toy to distract him until iftaar.” (Saheeh Bukhaari #1960)

A mother wishing to wean her child doesn’t introduce him to a diet of 100% solids overnight. She understands that the child’s digestive system will not cope with such a sudden, drastic change and therefore makes small, gradual adjustments to the diet. Similarly, when a child becomes mature (reaches the age of puberty), it is now obligatory for him to perform the 5 daily salaah, fast in the month of Ramadhaan, etc. If these obligatory ‘ibaadaat are introduced to the child all at once, he may find it difficult to make an “overnight” change. Therefore the Sahaabiyyaat (radhiyallahu ‘anhunna) would begin training their children to perform ‘ibaadaat long before they reached the age of puberty. In this way, they ensured that their children were not only accustomed to all the ‘ibaadaat but that the ‘ibaadaat were actually a second nature to them. Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) himself has taught us to train our children in this manner. He instructs us to make our children perform salaah at the age of 7 and to punish them for not performing salaah when they reach the age of 10 – emphasizing the importance of giving the child the correct training early in life. (Abu Dawood #494)

When a tree is a young sapling, it is easy to guide it and ensure that it grows straight. If left without guidance, however, it will grow crooked and become set in its crookedness. To adequately train the child for the duties he will face later on in life is actually kindness to the child – not cruelty. If we do not inculcate the Islamic way of behaving, dressing and speaking and the habit of ‘ibaadat into our children from a young age, thinking that they are “still too small”, what will we do when they are suddenly “too big” to heed our “too-late” guidance?

Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) recommendad that one fasts on the day of Aashuraa and coupling this with either the day before or a day after Aashuraa.

Day of Aashuraa 12th of October 2016 / 10th Muharram 1438

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Paying One's Debt

*How I Paid My Debt Of 146 Qadha Fast*

All Praise is for our Beloved ALLAH TA’ALA, our Creator and Sustainer, to whom we will return one day, to whom knowledge and wisdom belongs. Beautiful Salutations and Blessings, eternally to the Prince of mankind Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) who has left behind a legacy to follow; who has left us the Keys to the treasures of Jannah.

“That Day will every soul be requited for what it earned; no injustice will there be that Day ALLAH is Swift in taking account.” [Surah 40:17]

We have no choice in this life but to strive towards the right path and to do good Deeds – acts of worship and other acts – by whatever means one can, putting all trust in ALLAH TA’ALA, submitting to HIS will, and believing that we are always in need of ALLAH’S help, mercy, forgiveness and support.

Ramadhaan being an auspicious month with it’s merits and gifts gave me an opening four years ago on fulfilling my debt to ALLAH TA’ALA. It began after the recital of the noble Qur’aan Sharief an Aayat in the most moving and eloquent terms that really touched my heart.

And you will see every nation bowing the knee: Every nation will be called to it’s record: This Day shall you be recompensed for all that you did.

Then, as to those who believed and did righteous Deeds, their Lord will admit them to HIS Mercy that will be the achievement for all to see. [Surah 45: 27-29]

Tears welled up in my eyes uncontrollably. How do I present myself in the court of ALLAH TA’ALA with qadha fast that has been accumulating year after year due to my negligence? It was time to take full responsibility. After calculating for each year an estimation of 146 fast was to be kept. I felt ashamed and an unworthy servant of ALLAH TA’ALA.

It so important to fulfil the Faraa’idh in Islaam. When these duties are not fufilled then this becomes a debt to ALLAH TA’ALA. With firm intention, Du’as and determination I decided to start after Ramadhaan. Being full time at home I had to strike a balance between my daily routine and that of keeping my fast.

Al-Hamdulillah! By the Grace of Almighty ALLAH I started by keeping 14 fast each month. It was difficult at first but having that Tawwakul in ALLAH TA’ALA and the support of a beautiful soul “my mother” I knew I could do it and this will be my journey to salvation. And Subhaan-ALLAH it became smooth sailing.

My days progressed in abundant Istighfaar, Dhikr, recital of the Qur’aan Sharief… My love for Deen and knowledge increased. Al-Hamdulillah! I was bestowed a subtle contentment something I had never experienced before. In the scorching hot days of summer I practiced patience and tolerance. Just to realize when you choose to do something for the Pleasure of ALLAH TA’ALA, HE steers your life in a new direction with guidance, ALLAHU AKBAR!

I completed my entire fast in 10 months and six days. Each month had it’s own story to be told with new challenges, struggles, difficulties, beautiful changes and the ability to make Sabr. And to express my deep heart-felt gratitude to ALLAH TA’ALA. The best way I could thank my Loving ALLAH, I donned the full hijab with honour, dignity and respect.

From this experience I have learnt life for a Muslimah is not to be spent in worldly pursuits; life is an important mission in which every believer must take the responsibility of living in such a way that she will be a true and sincere worshipper of ALLAH TA’ALA. This can only be achieved by checking one’s intention, in all one’s Deeds, to ensure that they are done for the sake of ALLAH TA’ALA and to please HIM.

ALLAH TA’ALA, the Exalted says: “Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to him will We give a new life, and life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.” [Surah 16:97]

Al-Hamdulillah! Today, I try in a small way to inspire others to achieve what I have achieved because I believe that taking one step towards ALLAH TA’ALA, ALLAH TA’ALA takes ninety nine steps towards you, Subhaan-ALLAH. Let us make our lives the Qur’aan, and the Qur’aan our lives, all encompassing, fully encapsulating, with a reward evident in this world and in the Hereafter. In’Shaa’ALLAH!

Beloved Sisters! If you have any qadha fast don’t let it accumulate make the effort of keeping them. Fear ALLAH TA’ALA and be conscious of HIS watching. Today, there is a chance to work without reckoning. But, tomorrow, there is reckoning, and no chance to perform any Deeds.

May ALLAH TA’ALA guide us all on the true and straight path and eliminate from our hearts the love for this World and replace it with the love of HIS Deen and HIS beloved Messenger (SAW)