Wife’s Rights
It is incumbent on the husband to provide separate living quarters for
his wife.
· The quarters provided for her should not be occupied by any members of the husband’s family. She must be able to enjoy total privacy without interference from anyone.
If the wife of her own accord prefers to live with her in-laws, then
this will be permissible.
Separate quarters for her may be provided in the same building or house
occupied by others. However, she must be able to have complete control over her
quarters with no one else having the right to intrude in her domain. The
lock/keys of her quarters should be in her possession.
· The
wife’s in-laws have no right of demanding to enter her quarters and to inspect
her rooms and belongings as is the habit of some misguided mothers-in-law.
· While
the wife is entitled to separate living quarters, she cannot demand that she
wants to live in a particular house, area or town. She has to be satisfied with
the quarters made available to her by her husband.
· Just
as the wife has the right of preventing her in-laws from intruding into her
home, so too has the husband the right of debarring his in-laws from entering
the home.
Generally husbands
fail in fulfilling the important and incumbent rights of the wife in regard to
separate accommodation. In most cases they are under pressure from their
parents who insist on their married children living together with them under
one roof and in the same house over which the parents have full control while
the daughter-in-law has to live in subservience to her in-laws. This is
Islamically an unjust and unlawful setup.
Parents of the
husband should realize that in this unjust attitude they are usurping the
rights of their daughter-in-law – rights which the Shariah has granted her.
While it is to the advantage of the in-laws and perhaps to the husband as well
to live together, they have no right to act selfishly for their own advantage
when the matter concerns the rights of others. A daughter-in-law is under no
Islamic incumbency to serve her in-laws. It is entirely another matter if she
does. In doing so she will obtain great Thawaab. But, service to in-laws cannot
be imposed on her, neither by her in-laws nor by her husband. This Mas-alah
should be well understood.
Many mothers-in-law
are the cause of misery for their daughters-in-law. They apply unlawful and
inconsiderate pressure on their sons in an attempt to secure the domination of
their daughters-in-law. This attitude leads to conflict, misery and sometimes
homes break up. If the rights of the wife are considered from the very
inception many marital problems will be avoided.
Parents-in-law should
reflect that after marriage when a woman no longer serves even her own parents,
how can she be expected to serve her parents-in-law? If she does, it will be
only her goodness and a demonstration of her love for her husband.
Many sons are in a
quandary when it comes to a conflict in the demands of parents on the one side
and their wives on the other. The wife wishes to live separately while her
in-laws insist that she lives with them. In such cases of conflict, the son
should measure the conflicting demands on the standard of the shariah. If by
fulfilling the wishes of parents the son is compelled to violate or discard the
waajib haq of his wife, then it will not be permissible for him to obey his
parents in this respect. While others can advise the daughter-in-law to
exercise patience and submit to the wishes of her husband provided that the
Shariah is not transgressed, the usurpers of her rights cannot tender such
naseehat to her. They have to rather take stock of their own transgression and
their injustice committed against their daughter-in-law. On the Day of Qiyaamah
the daughter-in-law will have a claim against her husband and her
parents-in-law for the violation of her rights – rights which Allah Ta’ala has
ordained for her.
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