Thursday, June 22, 2017


There is nothing more beautiful than bowing down at the end of a long day of fasting to ask Allah for our hearts halaal desires. Remember as well that dua'a at the time of breaking fast is accepted so don't be shy to make dua'a.
Below listed are a few essential things that one should ask for in dua'a. Remember to add you own things to the list and to share with your loved ones for their benefit:
Ask Allah:
*For guidance (hidayah) and to be kept on the straight path, to be among those whom Allah has chosen to guide and not those who go astray
*To make our hearts open to guidance
*To keep the flame of imaan burning in our hearts always
*To put in our hearts a love of doing good and an abhorrence of sinning
*For forgiveness for our sins and the strength to stay away from those sins in future
*For acceptance of whatever little good we do
*For protection from all types of harm (Physical, spiritual, emotional, monetary, safe from the harms of insects, animals, man, jinn etc.)
*To be kept in good health
*For Allah to never make us dependent on others
*A good death with dignity imaan
*To be taken away in a state in which Allah is pleased with us
*For Allah to ease the pangs of death for us
*Ease from the time our souls are taken away, to the time our bodies are given a ghusl to the time we are lowered into our qabrs
*Good neighbours in the qabr
*Help in answering questioning of the qabr with ease
*Being saved from punishment in the qabr and for our qabrs to be illuminated with noor from Jannah and for our qabrs to be beautiful gardens of Jannah
*To be resurrected with imaan
*To be granted shade under Allah’s Arsh (throne)
*To not drown in our own sweat and blood when the sun is just above our heads
*For the day of resurrection to pass by quickly for us
*For our good deeds to outweigh our bad deeds and for it to be such that no one is able to lay claim to our good deeds nor are they able to give us their bad deeds
*For ease in crossing the siraats
*For entry into Jannah and to be saved from Jahannum
*For help for our Muslim brothers and sisters in war torn countries (Syria, Palestine, Burma, Afghanistan, Egypt, China, Iraq and wherever else in the world they may be facing persecution)
*For help for all those that were taken as prisoners unlawfully such as Dr. Aafiya Siddiqi and all the other thousands of nameless and faceless ones that we may not know about
*For ease for our deceased family members in their qabrs
*For good for our loved ones
*Any other halaal desire that we may have (though it is best to ask for that which is best for us for Allah knows things that we do not)
*Any other good thing that we may have to ask for, for others e.g. A person we personally know in need, a family member going through a difficult time etc.
Add your own things to the list, ask for halaal things and make dua'a for others. The angels will say “Aameen and it is for you as well”.

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