Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Best of Women (Pious Women) ~ Sayyidah Maryam [‘alaihas salaam] – Part Three

(Sayyidah Maryam ‘alaihas salaam – Part Three)
After Sayyidah Maryam (‘alaihas salaam) was weaned, her mother, Hannah, wrapped her in blankets and proceeded with her to the musjid. As she had dedicated this child to the worship of Allah Ta‘ala, she made her over to the devout worshippers who resided in the musjid so that she could dedicate herself to worshipping Allah Ta‘ala as well. When Maryam (‘alaihas salaam) was brought to the musjid, all the worshippers wished to have the honour of raising her.
Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) was the prophet of the time, and he also wished to have the honour of raising Maryam (‘alaihas salaam), especially as she was his niece (his wife was the sister of Hannah). Hence, to decide who would have the honour of raising her, they decided to draw lots.
To draw lots, they all put their pens together. Thereafter, the pens were left in a certain place, after which a young boy was instructed to draw one pen from the lot. When this was done, it was the pen of Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) that was drawn.
The worshippers asked Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) to draw lots for a second time, and he agreed. On this occasion, they all cast their pens into the river, agreeing that the decision would be in favour of the pen which miraculously flowed against the current. When this was done, it was the pen of Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) which flowed against the current, while all the other pens flowed with the current.

Finally, the worshippers asked Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) to draw lots for a third time, and he agreed. On this instance, they cast their pens into the river, agreeing that the decision would be in favour of the pen which flowed with the current, while the other pens flow against the current. When this was done, it was the pen of Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) which flowed with the current, while the other pens flowed against the current. In this manner, due to Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) being the most worthy of raising her, on account of being the Nabi and also because his wife was the aunt of Maryam (‘alaihas salaam), Allah Ta‘ala allowed him to raise Maryam (‘alaihas salaam).

Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) then arranged a special area which was exclusive for Sayyidah Maryam (‘alaihas salaam). She would remain in this area and engage in worshipping Allah Ta‘ala throughout the day and night. She exerted herself in worship to such an extent that her worship was regarded as proverbial among the Banu Israaeel.
(Surah Aal ‘Imraan v44 and Al-Bidaayah wan Nihaayah vol. 2 pg. 65)

1. When Allah Ta‘ala decrees that a person will receive something, he will most definitely receive it. Be it a child, sustenance or anything else, everything is in the control of Allah Ta‘ala. If we secure His help, we will be able to overcome any challenge.

2. In raising Sayyidah Maryam (‘alaihas salaam), Nabi Zakariyya (‘alaihis salaam) ensured that she was in seclusion, as solitude is conducive to worshipping Allah Ta‘ala. Since the objective of solitude is to allow a person to achieve peace of mind and remain focused, we should try to achieve the same result through ‘cutting off’ from anything and everything that is not necessary in our lives and will distract us. At present, perhaps the most destructive distractions are social media, novels, etc., all of which are made available through the internet. Hence, our seclusion and the seclusion of our children lies in disconnecting from unnecessary usage of the internet so that we may connect with Allah Ta‘ala.

Friday, June 08, 2018

The Best of Women (Pious Women) ~ Sayyidah Maryam [‘alaihas salaam] – Part Two

The mother and father of Sayyidah Maryam (‘alaihas salaam) were ‘Imraan and Hannah. Before the birth of Maryam (‘alaihas salaam), Hannah was unable to bear a child.
One day, Hannah observed a bird feeding its chick. Seeing this spectacle of love and compassion, her heart was overcome by the desire to have a child. She thus turned to Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa, begging him to bless her with a child, until her du‘aa was answered. Soon thereafter, when she conceived, she vowed to Allah Ta‘ala that she would dedicate her child to worshipping Him and serving Musjidul Aqsa. (Surah Aal ‘Imraan v35, Tafseer Ibnu Katheer vol. 2 pg. 337)

When the child was born, Hannah noticed that it was a girl! However, normally only a male child would be dedicated for serving in the musjid and worshipping Allah Ta‘ala. Nevertheless, Hannah understood that Allah Ta‘ala knew best, and it was in His infinite wisdom that He had blessed her with a daughter, instead of a son. (Surah Aal ‘Imraan v36, Tafseer Qurtubi vol. 5 pg. 101 and Tafseerul Madaarik vol. 1 pg. 172)
Hannah then named her daughter ‘Maryam’ which meant ‘worshipper’ in the language of the time. In doing so, her intention was that although her daughter cannot serve in the musjid, on account of being a female, she will still dedicate her to worshipping Allah Ta‘ala. (Surah Aal ‘Imraan v36, Tafseerul Madaarik vol. 1 pg. 173 and Bayaanul Quraan vol. 1 pg. 222)
Hannah then made a special du‘aa saying, “I seek Your protection (O Allah) for her and her progeny from Shaitaan the rejected.”
Whenever a child is born, Shaitaan interferes with the child and pokes it, causing it to cry out aloud. However, through the blessing of this du‘aa of Hannah, Sayyidah Maryam (‘alaihas salaam) and her son, Nabi ‘Isa (‘alaihis salaam), were both safeguarded from Shaitaan and thus did not cry when they were born. (Surah Aal ‘Imraan v36 and Saheeh Bukhaari #3286 and #4548)
1. Every person has unfulfilled wishes, desires and aspirations. Sometimes, a person desires to be blessed with a child. Regardless of what the desire may be, the only One who can fulfill our ambition is Allah Ta‘ala. Hence, even though we adopt the means, we believe, from our hearts, that only Allah Ta‘ala can make the means effective. After all, there are so many people who undergo fertility treatment, yet still fail to conceive.
2. The ambition of Hannah was not to merely have a child, but rather to dedicate her child to the worship of Allah Ta‘ala and serving the musjid. There are many parents who even before the birth of their children, plan their career path, whether in medicine, law, engineering, etc. However, how many parents plan for their children to be the worshippers of Allah Ta‘ala and their sons to be devotees of the musjid? How many parents take steps to ensure that their children attend the best madrasahs and acquire the best Deeni upbringing and education? These are the ultimate ‘careers’ as these ‘professions’ bear profits in the Hereafter.
3. We all plan and hope for our lives to work out in a certain way. However, Allah Ta‘ala knows what is best for us and blesses us accordingly. On our part, we should always be happy and content with the decree of Allah Ta‘ala and should be appreciative of His favour upon us, as we do not even deserve any of His bounties.
4. When her child was born, the concern of Hannah was for her children to be protected from Shaitaan. Hence, every parent, from before their child is even born, should worry for the safety of their child’s imaan and take the appropriate steps to safeguard their Deen. Together with putting the necessary measures into place, we have to make constant du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala to safeguard them from all evil and sin.

(to be continued insha-Allah)

Monday, June 04, 2018

Honouring the Knowledge of Deen (Inspirational Incidents)

Haaroon Rasheed was an ‘Abbaasi Khaleefah who ruled over the Muslim empire from 170 A.H. until his demise in 193 A.H. at the age of forty-five.
On one occasion, when Haaroon Rasheed came to Madeenah Munawwarah, he sent a messenger to Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) with the following message: “Come to me and bring the hadeeth kitaab (Al-Muwatta) which you have compiled so that I may hear the ahaadeeth from you.”
On receiving this message, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) was upset and disappointed. He said to the messenger, “Convey my salaam to him, and tell him that people should travel to the knowledge of Deen, the knowledge of Deen should not travel to people. People should come to obtain the knowledge of Deen, it should not have to come to them.”
When the reply of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) reached Haaroon Rasheed, he became angry. His messenger fuelled his anger further saying, “It will reach the people of Iraq that you summoned Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah), yet he defied you! Force him to come to you!”
In the interim, many students of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) suggested to him that he go to Haaroon Rasheed and explain to him the correct manner of acquiring the knowledge of Deen. Hence, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) came to Haaroon Rasheed and entered with salaam. However, he did not bring his kitaab of hadeeth with him. When Haaroon Rasheed asked him why he had come without the kitaab, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) replied:
“O Ameerul Mu-mineen! Allah Ta‘ala sent Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) to us and commanded us to obey him, follow his blessed sunnah and show him utmost respect and honour, during and after his lifetime. Allah Ta‘ala has perhaps granted you the position of khaleefah on account of you having some knowledge of Deen. Hence, when you have been blessed with this knowledge, then you should not disrespect it and fail to honour it, as doing so will cause Allah Ta‘ala to strip you of your respect and honour. Fear Allah! Fear Allah! I have seen people who were not of your standing and lineage, some were freed slaves and there were others as well, yet they all showed the highest level of respect to the knowledge of Deen and honoured the ‘Ulama who bore this knowledge. When these people had shown respect to the knowledge of Deen, then surely you are more worthy of honouring the knowledge of Deen!”

Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) continued to advise Haaroon Rasheed in this manner until he eventually began to weep. Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) continued further until Haaroon Rasheed relented and said, “Let us proceed to your home.” On arriving, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) entered, performed ghusl, donned new clothing, applied ‘itr and burned some fragrant ‘oud (to honour the blessed ahaadeeth). Thereafter, as they sat, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) said to Haaroon Rasheed, “Commence reciting.” Haaroon Rasheed responded, “You should recite to me.” However, when Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) excused himself from reciting, Haaroon Rasheed was left with no choice but to recite, and thus said, “Tell all the people to leave so that I can recite to you in privacy.” Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) responded, “When the knowledge of Deen is withheld from the general people for the sake of influential people who wish to be exclusive, then these influential people will never benefit from the knowledge.”

Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) then instructed one of his students to recite the ahaadeeth. When the student commenced reciting, Haaroon Rasheed was at the side of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) and was seated in a reclining position. Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) said to him, “O Ameerul Mu-mineen! The one who lowers and humbles himself for Allah Ta‘ala, Allah Ta‘ala will elevate and honour him.” Haaroon Rasheed immediately awoke and sat before Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah), only returning to his side after the ahaadeeth were recited.

Sometime later, Haaroon Rasheed said to Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah), “We lowered ourselves and expressed humility before the knowledge of Deen which you possessed, and hence Allah Ta‘ala blessed us to benefit from the knowledge.”
(Tarteebul Madaarik vol. 2, pg. 21)

We all wish and desire to acquire the knowledge of Deen and benefit from the blessed ahaadeeth of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). However, there are many people who fail to show the knowledge of Deen due respect and honour. Instead of expressing humility before the knowledge of Nubuwwah, they want to acquire knowledge on ‘their own terms’. Instead of sitting with respect, they lie on their beds and surf the net. Instead of dressing with respect and performing wudhu, they acquire the knowledge of Deen in a casual manner, dressed as they please, sometimes in an environment of free-intermingling between males and females! The outcome is that they acquire mere ‘information’, not the knowledge of Deen. The knowledge of Deen creates a noor (light) in the heart and guides a person to Allah Ta‘ala.