On one occasion, when Haaroon Rasheed came to Madeenah
Munawwarah, he sent a messenger to Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) with the
following message: “Come to me and bring the hadeeth kitaab (Al-Muwatta)
which you have compiled so that I may hear the ahaadeeth from you.”
receiving this message, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) was upset and
disappointed. He said to the messenger, “Convey my salaam to him, and tell him
that people should travel to the knowledge of Deen, the knowledge of Deen
should not travel to people. People should come to obtain the knowledge of
Deen, it should not have to come to them.”
When the
reply of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) reached Haaroon Rasheed, he became
angry. His messenger fuelled his anger further saying, “It
will reach the people of Iraq that you summoned Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah),
yet he defied you! Force him to come to you!”
In the interim, many students of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah)
suggested to him that he go to Haaroon Rasheed and explain to him the correct
manner of acquiring the knowledge of Deen. Hence, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah)
came to Haaroon Rasheed and entered with salaam. However, he did not bring
his kitaab of hadeeth with him. When Haaroon Rasheed asked him why he had
come without the kitaab, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) replied:
“O Ameerul
Mu-mineen! Allah Ta‘ala sent Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) to
us and commanded us to obey him, follow his blessed sunnah and show him
utmost respect and honour, during and after his lifetime. Allah Ta‘ala has
perhaps granted you the position of khaleefah on account of you having some
knowledge of Deen. Hence,
when you have been blessed with this knowledge, then you should not
disrespect it and fail to honour it, as doing so will cause Allah Ta‘ala to
strip you of your respect and honour. Fear Allah! Fear
Allah! I have seen people who were not of your standing and lineage, some
were freed slaves and there were others as well, yet they all showed the
highest level of respect to the knowledge of Deen and honoured the ‘Ulama who
bore this knowledge. When
these people had shown respect to the knowledge of Deen, then surely you are
more worthy of honouring the knowledge of Deen!”
Maalik (rahimahullah) continued to advise Haaroon Rasheed in this manner
until he eventually began to weep. Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) continued
further until Haaroon Rasheed relented and said, “Let us proceed to your
home.” On arriving, Imaam Maalik
(rahimahullah) entered, performed ghusl, donned new clothing, applied ‘itr
and burned some fragrant ‘oud (to honour the blessed ahaadeeth). Thereafter,
as they sat, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) said to Haaroon Rasheed, “Commence
reciting.” Haaroon Rasheed responded, “You should recite to me.” However,
when Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) excused himself from reciting, Haaroon
Rasheed was left with no choice but to recite, and thus said, “Tell all the
people to leave so that I can recite to you in privacy.” Imaam Maalik
(rahimahullah) responded, “When the knowledge of Deen is
withheld from the general people for the sake of influential people who wish
to be exclusive, then these influential people will never benefit from the
Maalik (rahimahullah) then instructed one of his students to recite the
ahaadeeth. When the student commenced reciting, Haaroon Rasheed was at the
side of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) and was seated in a reclining position.
Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) said to him, “O Ameerul Mu-mineen! The one who lowers and
humbles himself for Allah Ta‘ala, Allah Ta‘ala will elevate and honour him.” Haaroon
Rasheed immediately awoke and sat before Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah), only
returning to his side after the ahaadeeth were recited.
later, Haaroon Rasheed said to Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah), “We lowered ourselves and expressed humility before the
knowledge of Deen which you possessed, and hence Allah Ta‘ala blessed us to
benefit from the knowledge.”
(Tarteebul Madaarik vol. 2, pg. 21)
We all
wish and desire to acquire the knowledge of Deen and benefit from the blessed
ahaadeeth of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). However, there are many people who fail to show the knowledge of
Deen due respect and honour. Instead of expressing
humility before the knowledge of Nubuwwah, they want to acquire knowledge on
‘their own terms’. Instead
of sitting with respect, they lie on their beds and surf the net. Instead of
dressing with respect and performing wudhu, they acquire the knowledge of
Deen in a casual manner, dressed as they please, sometimes in an environment
of free-intermingling between males and females! The
outcome is that they acquire mere ‘information’, not the knowledge of Deen.
The knowledge of Deen creates a noor (light) in the heart and guides a person
to Allah Ta‘ala.
Monday, June 04, 2018
Honouring the Knowledge of Deen (Inspirational Incidents)
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