Devotion to Deen
Abu Sufyaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), the father of Ummu Habeebah
(radhiyallahu ‘anha), had accepted Islam on the occasion of the conquest of
Makkah. He passed away many years later, during the khilaafat of ‘Uthmaan
(radhiyallahu ‘anhu).
Three days
after the news of Abu Sufyaan’s (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) demise was broken to
Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha), she took perfume and applied it to
herself saying, “I
have no need to apply perfume. (However, I am doing so because) I heard
Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mention, ‘It is not permissible for
any woman who believes in Allah Ta‘ala and the last day to mourn for more
than three days, except upon her husband, as (in the case where her husband
passes away,) she will mourn over him for four months and ten days.’” (Saheeh
Muslim #3725)
‘Amr bin Aws (rahimahullah) narrates:
‘Ambasah bin Abi Sufyaan (rahimahullah) (the brother of Ummu Habeebah
[radhiyallahu ‘anha]) was in his final illness, he narrated to me the
following hadeeth which would bring him great happiness. He said, “I heard
Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) say that she heard Rasulullah (sallallahu
‘alaihi wasallam) mention, ‘Whoever performs twelve rakaats of salaah (i.e.
the sunnah-e-muakkadah salaah before and after the various fardh salaahs
which equal twelve rakaats in total) during the day and night, then on
account of performing these twelve rakaats, a home will be built for him in
Jannah.’ After narrating this hadeeth,
Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) said, ‘I never left (performing) these
twelve rakaats since I heard them from Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi
When narrating this hadeeth to me, ‘Ambasah (rahimahullah)
similarly mentioned, “I never left (performing) these twelve rakaats since I
heard them from Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha).” (Saheeh Muslim #1694
Sharee‘ah has allowed a person to mourn over the demise of their near and
dear ones. However, when the deceased is not one’s husband, then it is not
permissible to mourn for more than three days. Hence, although Ummu Habeebah
(radhiyallahu ‘anha) was greatly grieved over the demise of her beloved
father (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), as soon as the three day mourning-period
terminated, she immediately applied perfume to make it clear that she was no
longer in mourning. This
highlights the manner in which the lives of the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu
‘anhum) completely conformed to the laws of sharee‘ah in all aspects. Furthermore,
as they were responsible for conveying Deen to the Ummah, they ensured that
they clearly showed us the boundaries of Deen.
2. Today if
a message makes its rounds on social media saying that there is a special on
plane tickets, so many people will flock to the site that in many cases, the
server crashes and the site goes offline. Ironically, many of these people
had no intention to travel until they became aware that tickets were going
cheap. Sahaabah (radhiyallahu
‘anhum), on the other hand, were not motivated by holidays, touring, shopping
and entertainment. Rather, their motivation was Jannah. Hence,
when they heard of the immense reward for punctually performing the Sunnah
salaah – or any other good deed – they immediately brought it into practice
and remained steadfast upon it until their demise.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
A Unique Nikaah (Pious Woman) ~ Part Four
Gossiping and Slander by Saajida Malvina
Gossiping and slander has become such a norm within our conversations that we often we fail to realise its seriousness.
"Hey, have you heard, Zaeem didn't go to see Hannah!" said Rayaan. "Seriously?'' asks Hamzah. "Yes, actually Hannah is going out with Yusuf - and - chatting to few other guys including Ziya and Muneer," says Hamzah giving away some gossip he heard as a matter of fact. "Oh My Word” and here we all thought Hannah was such a good girl, a perfect burqini babe” exclaims Hamzah agitated.
Above, a typical conversation between two guys oblivious of the fact that they have committed several sins including gossiping, exposing the sin of another Muslim and passing judgment. If the rumours are false, then the sin is worse and slander has just been committed.
Slander is such a serious crime that it is punishable up to 80 lashes. The Qur'an has warned too against disgracing a Muslim and rhetorically ask a person: "Do you like that he eats the flesh of his dead brother?” - Chapter 49.12. Likewise, numerous ahadith of the Prophet (pbuh) have been narrated in this regard including the most famous Hadith: "Backbiting is worse than adultery.” Scholars have deduced that whilst adultery is punishable with stoning to death or hundred lashes depending on whether the person is married or not, adultery is worse because a person committing adultery has wronged our Creator whilst an actual person is wronged in the case of ghibah - backbiting. Hence, seek forgiveness from your Maker and you shall be pardoned; but if you wrong a human and seek his forgiveness there is no guarantee he will pardon you, and not seek justice on the Day of Reckoning.
Why me?
People say “I am being slandered and rumours are being spread about me. Why me?”
Here are some of the reasons -
- It could be a test from Almighty Allah and a means of you gaining His proximity.
- People cannot see others successful without being jealous and harbouring ill feelings, hence they try to name and shame people.
- If a person perceives one to be successful, they try to demoralise and demotivate a person from achieving their goals.
How should I respond?
Scholars receive many queries from youth especially girls who are concerned about their reputations being tarnished via rumours.
My advice is do not be grieved. In the annals of our history, the beloved wife of Muhammad (S), Ayesha (ra) was accused of adultery by hypocrites in Madinah. This could have been considered a golden period of Islam. After more than a month verses were revealed exonerating her, and those who had accused her or spread the rumours were reprimanded and the command was ordered for them to be punished. If people in the golden period of Islam did not leave the Prophet (S)’s wife then why not attack ordinary mortals like you and I?
One should try and recite the Manzil or the 3 Quls to protect oneself from the evil eye.
Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing disturbs your peace of mind. Don't grieve or become upset as you are only satisfying the person who spoke about you.
Is gheebah permissible at times?
Gheebah, speaking ill of someone behind their back, will only be permissible in extreme cases, for example a problem needs to be solved and to be directed to the correct channel for it to be solved. Other reasons are to testify in court, or to bring about justice. Also, if a person is interested in an individual for marriage purposes, then it's recommended to speak the truth.
Courtesy Radio Islam
"Hey, have you heard, Zaeem didn't go to see Hannah!" said Rayaan. "Seriously?'' asks Hamzah. "Yes, actually Hannah is going out with Yusuf - and - chatting to few other guys including Ziya and Muneer," says Hamzah giving away some gossip he heard as a matter of fact. "Oh My Word” and here we all thought Hannah was such a good girl, a perfect burqini babe” exclaims Hamzah agitated.
Above, a typical conversation between two guys oblivious of the fact that they have committed several sins including gossiping, exposing the sin of another Muslim and passing judgment. If the rumours are false, then the sin is worse and slander has just been committed.
Slander is such a serious crime that it is punishable up to 80 lashes. The Qur'an has warned too against disgracing a Muslim and rhetorically ask a person: "Do you like that he eats the flesh of his dead brother?” - Chapter 49.12. Likewise, numerous ahadith of the Prophet (pbuh) have been narrated in this regard including the most famous Hadith: "Backbiting is worse than adultery.” Scholars have deduced that whilst adultery is punishable with stoning to death or hundred lashes depending on whether the person is married or not, adultery is worse because a person committing adultery has wronged our Creator whilst an actual person is wronged in the case of ghibah - backbiting. Hence, seek forgiveness from your Maker and you shall be pardoned; but if you wrong a human and seek his forgiveness there is no guarantee he will pardon you, and not seek justice on the Day of Reckoning.
Why me?
People say “I am being slandered and rumours are being spread about me. Why me?”
Here are some of the reasons -
- It could be a test from Almighty Allah and a means of you gaining His proximity.
- People cannot see others successful without being jealous and harbouring ill feelings, hence they try to name and shame people.
- If a person perceives one to be successful, they try to demoralise and demotivate a person from achieving their goals.
How should I respond?
Scholars receive many queries from youth especially girls who are concerned about their reputations being tarnished via rumours.
My advice is do not be grieved. In the annals of our history, the beloved wife of Muhammad (S), Ayesha (ra) was accused of adultery by hypocrites in Madinah. This could have been considered a golden period of Islam. After more than a month verses were revealed exonerating her, and those who had accused her or spread the rumours were reprimanded and the command was ordered for them to be punished. If people in the golden period of Islam did not leave the Prophet (S)’s wife then why not attack ordinary mortals like you and I?
One should try and recite the Manzil or the 3 Quls to protect oneself from the evil eye.
Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing disturbs your peace of mind. Don't grieve or become upset as you are only satisfying the person who spoke about you.
Is gheebah permissible at times?
Gheebah, speaking ill of someone behind their back, will only be permissible in extreme cases, for example a problem needs to be solved and to be directed to the correct channel for it to be solved. Other reasons are to testify in court, or to bring about justice. Also, if a person is interested in an individual for marriage purposes, then it's recommended to speak the truth.
Courtesy Radio Islam
Friday, January 26, 2018
GPS Programming
GPS Programming
imagine for a moment that a person is all alone and driving through the
wilderness at night. Suddenly, he enters an area that is ill-reputed to be
fraught with hijackers and robbers. As
he enters this area, his GPS system goes absolutely haywire. The system
‘speaks’ and tells him to turn left, but when he glances at the screen, it
clearly shows that he should proceed straight ahead without taking any turns. It
is not farfetched to believe that this person would break out into a sweat
and panic, as he would not know which direction to take in this most
dangerous of places.
In exactly the same manner, every individual has to traverse
his own path of life. In this path, he will face numerous threats and areas
of intense darkness. If he safely navigates past all the roadblocks of
Shaitaan, potholes of sin and oil-patches of the nafs (carnal desires), he
will arrive safe and sound at his destination of Jannah.
When a
child is born, he carries within him a blank ‘GPS’ system which will guide
him throughout his life. As he grows up, it is the input of those around him
– primarily his parents – that ‘program’ his GPS. However, when conflicting commands are entered into the GPS
system, it causes the entire system to go haywire and crash, leaving the
traveler stranded on the roadside or even worse – involved in an accident.
As parents, we should all introspect and ask ourselves, “What
is the state of my child’s GPS?” Unfortunately, many of us may be guilty of
either directly or indirectly saying to our children, “DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I
DO.” As absurd as this may sound, it’s actually way more common than we
How many children are taught
that the five daily salaah are compulsory, yet live in a home where salaah is
taken casually?
How many fathers prevent their children from smoking, yet
regularly ask them to empty the ashtray?
How many parents teach their
children that lying is evil and haraam, yet lie to the teachers of the child
when asked to explain why the child was absent?
These are
just a few examples, and if we seriously ponder, we will be able to find many
more. The point is that many of us
are causing our children’s’ GPS systems to go haywire and malfunction as we
input contradictory commands. The children are told to behave in a certain
way, but witness the behaviour and values in their very own homes to be the
exact opposite. These ‘double-instructions’ result in the child having
‘double-standards’. For instance, he will reach the conclusion that he should
never ever lie – unless he is absolutely certain that he can get away with
traversing the dark sections of the path – the sections that are filled with
fitnah and in which evil invites from every corner – how will my child’s GPS
perform? Will it guide him to safety, or will it plunge him into the pits of
ruin and destruction? To a great extent, the choice is ours. Before it’s too late, update the GPS system by doing a daily
download of ta’leem in the home and erasing all viruses and malware threats
(sins and evils) from our own lives.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Pregnancy resources for Muslim moms + FREE Printable (Re-blogged from Shahira)
Pregnancy resources for Muslim moms + FREE Printable
This is the second blog post under Resources for Muslim moms. In this
section, we talk about videos, courses, books and colouring booklet catering to
the Muslim pregnant women.
Pregnancy is a life-changing and defining phase of one's life
and as practising Muslim women, we should be aware of the Islamic rules and practices
to be mindful of during this period of our life. Here I am sharing some of the
resources that I have personally used and has helped me. Pregnancy is a
mind-body connection, the more aware and mindful we are of it, the better
outcomes we often have. Educating ourselves about not only the physical
strength of the human body but also the resilient energy of the human mind will
help us in having a positive experience.
Pregnancy resources for Muslim moms
1) Fiqh of Pregnancy and Newborns by Sheikh Omer Suleiman
I came across this pearl of
information during my first pregnancy and it helped me immensely. These
lectures explain in detail about all the rulings concerning pregnancy, birth
control, abortions - when it is permissible and when it is not, bringing up a
child with Ihsan and Iman, the high level a pregnant woman is considered,
Aqeeqah, Tahneek and other newborn practices. This covers the entire dos and
donts of what a pregnant woman should know and do.
The Ilmflix website where I first came across this seems to have
been taken down but there are many YouTube videos of the same. This playlist has all
the episodes.
2) Amani Birth - A centre of Birth and Learning
You might have heard of Amani birth books and classes through Facebook groups.
I first came across this via a review shared on Sisters magazine
From the review - It
was the AMANI birth preparation CD and booklet that gave me a sense of
direction. It guided me in a way that stayed true to my religious beliefs. It
is short but very much to the point, and it uses Islamic references all the way
through to help me understand that labour is something
I could survive. The booklet is 32 pages long and is divided into
neat sections. I particularly enjoyed reading the thoughtful note for fathers,
advice for that initial breastfeed, and the section that is dedicated to
relevant and much-needed supplications.
After interacting with an admin on the Amani Facebook page, they
said the books are available in Qatar in Jarir bookstores or we can buy it
online from their website. I haven't got time to explore
Jarir yet! Hope to get a copy soon.
3) Inherent
Birth Pregnancy colouring and affirmation books for Muslimahs
I came across this book when sis Haifa shared it on her Facebook page. I
fell in love with this idea and concept especially since it caters to the
Muslim women directly.
I recently came across the concept of Positive Affirmations and
I know it has already changed my mindset. It is just reaffirming in your mind
what your body is already capable of. So I am pretty glad to find an
affirmation booklet with the Islamic theme. Want a free e-book titled - Positive Pregnancy Affirmation for
Muslim Women - scroll below!
Colouring as I stated before - COLOURING BOOKS reduces
anxiety and creates focus thus relieving stress in a manner similar to
meditation. Concentrating on colouring may facilitate the replacement of
negative thoughts and images with pleasant ones. Colouring books can be used in
daily activity and are a way to get away from technology, which some regard as
beneficial to people’s health.
So hopefully this is an excellent resource for pregnant moms

4) Faithful birthing by Heileen
Zein - Online Teachable courses
A course designed by a Muslimah Doula and childbirth coach for
pregnant Muslimah around. The courses via teachable are geared to Muslim women
and are from an Islamic perspective. The sister has compiled the video series
to provide Muslimah sisters ease in gaining access to crucial information that
would immensely help them in having a successful VBAC/Natural birth. There is
another course that will help women heal from traumatic birth related
experiences. It will include a video series and a workbook that will serve as a
guide throughout the process of healing.
She also provides online birth and life coaching services that
brings a real and positive transformation to the Muslim women community. She
has an active Facebook group catering to support for Pregnant Muslimah - Faithful Birthing
5)Ina May Gaskin- Guide to childbirth
This is not a book with an Islamic
theme. In all honesty, there are some uncensored photos. But this book is the
most recommended reading material by childbirth educators around the world for
women wanting a natural, intervention- free birth and those trying for a VBAC.
I can understand why! Having just finished reading it, I am so totally
enamoured after knowing the actual physical strength of a woman's body and I am
sad I didn't know about this fact during my first pregnancy. It begins
with positive birth stories and then explains in details about how labour is
done in the Farm community, a community headed by Ina May. It talks about the
mind-body connections, the effect medical intervention has on the body and
labour and age-old techniques and practices used during labour in different
cultures of the world. (I have always been curious in Surah Maryam Verse 25 why
Allah commands Maryam AS to shake the palm tree - probably there is a reason
for it - aids in the final stage of labour!) If you are pregnant and want
to have a natural birth or be informed about it, get hold of this book!
Are your pregnant? Do you want
a list of positive pregnancy affirmations that help you direct your thoughts
back to Allah and keep the positive energy flowing?

Monday, January 15, 2018
A Unique Nikaah (Pious Woman) ~ Part Three
The Loyalty of Love
In the 6th year A.H. the
treaty of Hudaibiyah was formed between the Muslims and the disbelievers of
Makkah Mukarramah. When the treaty was formed, other tribes were also allowed
to enter the treaty by becoming allies of either the Muslims or the
disbelievers. Hence, the Banu Bakr tribe aligned themselves with the Quraish,
while the Banu Khuzaa‘ah became the allies of the Muslims.
These two tribes had a long history of mutual bloodshed and
fighting which finally seemed to cease with the inception of the treaty.
Hence, the Banu Khuzaa‘ah were under the impression that they were now safe
and at peace. However, the Banu Bakr and Quraish used this impression to
their advantage, seeking to eradicate the Banu Khuzaa‘ah once and for all.
They thus attacked the Banu Khuzaa‘ah at the dead of night and massacred a
large number of their people. As the Banu Khuzaa‘ah were the allies of the
Muslims, they wasted not a moment in sending a delegation to Rasulullah
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) in Madeenah Munawwarah, requesting his
In the meantime, the Quraish
regretted their folly and realized that by attacking the Banu Khuzaa‘ah, they
had broken the treaty. Hoping to renew the treaty, they sent Abu Sufyaan
(radhiyallahu ‘anhu), who had not yet accepted Islam, to Madeenah Munawwarah.
When Abu
Sufyaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) entered Madeenah Munawwarah, he came to the home
of his daughter, Sayyidah Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha). Seeing her
father, she immediately took the bedding of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi
wasallam) and folded it, not allowing her father to sit on it. Noticing this,
Abu Sufyaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) asked her, “O my daughter! Did you fold the
bedding because it is not good enough for me, or because I am not good enough
to sit on the bedding?” Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha)
replied, “It
is the bedding of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and you are an
impure disbeliever. Therefore, I do not want you to sit on the bedding of the
Rasul of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).”
this response from his daughter, Abu Sufyaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) exclaimed,
“By Allah! O my daughter, evil has afflicted you after me (i.e. after you
left me and accepted Islam)!” Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) answered, “No!
Rather, Allah Ta‘ala guided me to Islam. O my father, you are the leader and
senior of the Quraish. (Hence, when you are a person of such intelligence,)
then how is it that it has not yet occurred to you to accept Islam, and you
are still worshipping stones that can neither hear nor see?” When
Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) said this, Abu Sufyaan (radhiyallahu
‘anhu) stood and left.
(References: Tabaqaat Ibni Sa’d vol. 8, pg. 99, Sharhuz
Zarqaani ‘alal Mawaahib vol. 3, pg. 385 and Seeratul Mustafaa (sallallahu
‘alaihi wasallam) vol. 3, pg. 1-6)
incident sufficiently highlights the love for Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi
wasallam) and loyalty to him, which did not merely burn but rather consumed
the heart of Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha). It was on account of this same love that she could not tolerate
her own father, Abu Sufyaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), sitting on the blessed
bedding of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) while he was in the state
of disbelief and spiritual impurity.
Today, the
Ummah does not lack information regarding the sunnah of Rasulullah
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). What
we lack, however, is that love for Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam)
which will compel a person to uphold the sunnah and lead his life in a manner
that will please Allah Ta‘ala and His Rasul (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) at
all times.
Once this
extent of love – which is an integral part of one’s imaan – is acquired, it
will be inconceivable for one to abandon any sunnah. For
such a person, the words “It’s sunnah” will translate to “I need to do it”
rather than “That means I can leave it out”. Furthermore,
this love will not allow one to remain idle while the sunnah of the Beloved
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is being trampled underfoot. Instead, one will
do his utmost to revive every sunnah in his own life and the lives of
Friday, January 12, 2018
9 Lessons from Surah Hujurat
9 Lessons from Surah
a glass breaks, the sound of breaking disappears in mere moments, but the glass
pieces are scattered all over, hurting whoever walks over it.
when you say something that hurts someone's emotions and feelings, your words
disappear, but the pain in the heart remains for a long time.
before uttering any statement, remember the nine advises and prohibitions that
Allah Ta’ala has given in Surah Hujurat:
1.فتبينوا: "Fa Tabayyanu"
whenever you receive an information, ensure it is accurate lest you harm people
out of ignorance.
2.فأصلحوا: "Fa Aslihu"
Reconciliation: reconcile
between one’s fellow Muslim as believers are brothers/sisters to one another.
3. وأقسطوا: "Wa
Act justly: whenever
there is a dispute and one is attempting reconciliation, act justly among both
parties as Allah loves those who are just.
يسخر : "La Yaskhar"
Don't ridicule people, perhaps they may be better than you in the eyes of Allah.
تلمزوا : "Wa La Talmizu"
Don't insult one another.
6. ولا
تنابزوا:"Wa La Tanabazu"
Don't call each other with offensive nicknames.
كثيرا من الظن : "Ijtanibu Kathiiran minaz
Avoid negative assumptions, indeed some of the assumptions are sins.
تجسسوا : "Wa La Tajassasu"
Don't spy on each other.
9. ولا
يغتب بعضكم بعضا: "Wa La Yaghtab"
May Alla save us from this type of behaviour, Aameen
Thursday, January 11, 2018
A Unique Nikaah (Pious Woman) ~ Part Two
Sayyidah Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) was initially
married to ‘Ubaidullah bin Jahsh, and it was from this union that her
daughter, Habeebah, was born. ‘Ubaidullah bin Jahsh was a Muslim at the time,
and he migrated to Abyssinia with Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) in order
to escape the ruthless persecution of the Quraish.
One night, Ummu Habeebah
(radhiyallahu ‘anha) had a dream in which she saw her husband, ‘Ubaidullah
bin Jahsh, in the most evil and terrible of conditions. When
she awoke, she was perturbed and realized that the dream was indicative of
her husband’s condition having changed for the worse. As she suspected, the
very next morning, her husband announced, “O
Ummu Habeebah! I had previously examined the different religions, and I had
found no religion better than Christianity to which I subscribed and adhered.
Thereafter, I left Christianity and followed the religion of Muhammad
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Now, I am returning to Christianity.”
Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) attempted to stop him and
save his imaan. She thus told him that leaving Islam would hold no good for
him, and even told him of the dream that she had seen, depicting his
distressful and lamentable condition. However, he paid no attention to her
and left the fold of Islam, passing the remainder of his days drinking wine
until he passed away.
Sometime thereafter, Ummu
Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) saw a dream in which she heard someone address
her with the title “O Mother of the Believers”. She
awoke with a shock, and understood that since it is the blessed wives of
Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) who are the Mothers of the
Believers, perhaps Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) intended marrying
As soon as
her ‘iddat terminated, a messenger of Najaashi (rahimahullah), the King of
Abyssinia, arrived at her door and sought permission to enter. On opening the
door, she found that it was the slave girl of Najaashi (rahimahullah), who
was in charge of his clothing and perfume. The name of this slave girl was
Abrahah (rahimahallah). When Abrahah (rahimahallah) entered, she said, “The
King conveys the message to you that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam)
has written to him, instructing him to marry you to Rasulullah (sallallahu
‘alaihi wasallam).” Ummu
Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) was delighted and exclaimed, “May Allah Ta‘ala
give you glad tidings (as well)!” Abrahah (rahimahallah) then
said, “The King has requested that you appoint someone to represent you at
the nikaah.”
Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) thus appointed Khaalid bin Sa‘eed (radhiyallahu
‘anhu) as her representative. Then,
out of joy, she gave Abrahah (rahimahallah), the messenger who had delivered
the glad tidings, two silver bangles, two anklets that she had been wearing
and a few silver toe rings as well.
That evening, Najaashi (rahimahullah) called Ja’far bin Abi
Taalib (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) and the other Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) who
were present to attend the nikaah. When they arrived, Najaashi (rahimahullah)
delivered a khutbah (sermon) and thereafter said, “Indeed Rasulullah
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) sent me a letter instructing me to perform his
nikaah to Ummu Habeebah bintu Abi Sufyaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma). I have thus
fulfilled the instruction of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), and I
have given her four hundred dinaars (gold coins) as mahr (dowry).” Saying
this, Najaashi (rahimahullah) placed the dinaars before them.
Khaalid bin Sa‘eed (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) thereafter delivered a
khutbah (sermon) after which he said, “I have fulfilled the command of
Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and I have made Ummu Habeebah bintu
Abi Sufyaan (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) over into his nikaah. May Allah Ta‘ala
bless Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) in this nikaah.” Thereafter,
the mahr was handed to Khaalid bin Sa‘eed (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) who received
them on behalf of Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha).
Afterwards, when the mahr was handed to Ummu Habeebah
(radhiyallahu ‘anha), she called for Abrahah (rahimahallah), the slave girl
of Najaashi (rahimahullah) who had delivered the glad tidings to her. When
Abrahah (rahimahallah) arrived, she said to her, “When you delivered the glad
tidings to me, I gave you certain items, and I had no wealth with me at the
time (i.e. I gave you whatever I was able to. If I possessed more wealth, I
would have given it to you. Now that this wealth has arrived,) this is fifty
mithqaal (218.7g of gold). Take it and use it for your needs.”
Abrahah (rahimahallah) refused to accept the wealth. Furthermore, she
produced a bag containing all the gifts that Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu
‘anha) had given her and returned it saying, “The King has instructed me to abstain from
taking anything that belongs to you. I am in charge of his clothing and
perfume, and I have followed the Deen of Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi
wasallam) and accepted Islam for the pleasure of Allah Ta‘ala. The King has
instructed his wives to send all the perfume that they possess to you.”The
following day, the wives of Najaashi (rahimahullah) presented ‘oud, ‘ambar
and many other perfumes to her.
(rahimahallah) then said, “I have a request. My request is for
you to convey my salaam to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and
inform him that I have followed his Deen.” Abrahah
(rahimahallah) would always treat Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) with
special kindness, and whenever she would visit her, she would remind her, “Do
not forget my request.”
After Ummu
Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) left Abyssinia and was united with Rasulullah
(sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), she narrated to him the manner in which her
proposal was delivered and nikaah was performed, and the kindness that
Abrahah (rahimahallah) had shown her. She also conveyed the salaam of Abrahah
(rahimahallah) to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam). Hearing this,
Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) smiled and replied to her salaam. (Tabaqaat
Ibni Sa’d vol. 8, pgs. 96 & 97)
1. No person should take his imaan for granted. Rather, we
should all express appreciation to Allah Ta‘ala for this invaluable blessing,
and beg Him to allow us to leave this world with imaan.
2. Each
spouse should be concerned for the Deen of the next. Thus, the husband and wife should encourage and motivate each
other towards works of righteousness and piety while restraining one another
from sin.However, if one spouse falls into sin and evil habits, the
other should not view it as a convenient excuse to join in as well. Rather,
as each person will have to bear his own burden on the Day of Qiyaamah, and
blaming the next person will not absolve one of his own guilt, everyone
should remain firm and safeguard his imaan and Deen.
3. It is a teaching of Deen that we should give a gift to the person
who delivers glad tidings to us.
Najaashi (rahimahullah) had such love and respect for Rasulullah (sallallahu
‘alaihi wasallam) and the respected wives of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi
wasallam), that he gave Sayyidah Ummu Habeebah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) a very
substantial amount of gold as mahr from his own wealth. Furthermore, he
instructed his own wives to give all their perfume to her, and did not allow
his slave girl, Abrahah (rahimahallah), to take anything from Ummu Habeebah
(radhiyallahu ‘anha). We
should similarly cultivate the love for Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi
wasallam) and his blessed family, by making du‘aa for them, speaking of them
with love and respect and holding them in the highest esteem.
5. The
only desire that Abrahah (rahimahallah) had was that her salaam and news of
her imaan be conveyed to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), so that he
could be pleased with her and respond to her salaam. Our deeds are presented
to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) regularly. We need to ask ourselves, “Will he be pleased with our deeds? Or
will he be hurt and feel disappointed when he sees our condition?”Similarly,
we all have the ability of securing the salaam of Rasulullah (sallallahu
‘alaihi wasallam). Whenever we recite durood upon Rasulullah (sallallahu
‘alaihi wasallam) from afar, it is conveyed to him by an angel, after which
he responds with salaam. Hence, we should endeavor to recite as much durood
as possible.
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