Wednesday, February 11, 2015

When things become difficult...

A message for anyone who is going through some difficulty in their life, be that in their marriage, at work, in their deen or anything else...

Know that this life is not a place of absolute happiness or joy. There are highs and lows but Allah will never test you with more than you can handle. In His wisdom and justice He tries people according to their levels so know that your trial is according to your level.

Also know that the brightness of day follows the darkness of night. So in your moment of darkness have glad tidings of the light which will follow and bear patiently with whatever comes your way.

Some days it will seem like your back is against the wall and you can't go on, but don't you see how the bird flies for miles until it eventually reaches it's food? The towering tree doesn't grow tall overnight - it sends its roots far and wide and then begins the slow, painful climb skywards. Likewise, your rise to the heights of jannah won't be easy but keep going until you reach your goal.

Yes, the road is long. Yes, the nights are dark and lonely but know that whoever has Allah, then he has the ultimate protector and to Allah belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth - He gives them to whoever He wills.

So I advise my own soul and then yours - keep your eye on the goal and keep moving towards it. The seas of life will get rocky and there will be storms, but in the morning perhaps there will be perfect stillness with no waves at all?
With hardship comes ease, with trials come rewards and with patience comes Jannah, Aameen

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